Exercise of Public Rights

Under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 every Parish Council is required to publish its Annual Governance Statement and Annual Accounting Statement after the end of each financial year (April 1st to March 31st) on its website and by the end of June.

Additionally, each year the council must publish a notice of the dates of the publication of these documents, which must be for a period of 30 days to include the first 10 days of July, inviting any person interested to inspect these documents along with supporting documentation. Please contact the Clerk if you wish to arrange such an inspection.

Annual Year End 2023-2024

Annual Internal Report 23-24

Annual Governance Statement 23-24

Accounting Statement 23-24

Explanation of Variances 23-24

Bank Reconcillation March 2024

Certificate of Exemption 23-24

Exercise of Public Rights 23-24

External Auditor Report and Certificate 2021-2022 and Notice of Conclusion of Audit
External Auditor Report on 2021-2022 financial Year
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2021-2022
2021-2022 Annual Governance and Accountability Return
Annual Governance Statement 2021-2022 – click to open
Annual Accounting Statement 2021-2022 – click to open
Annual Internal Audit Report 2021-2022 – click to open
Notice of Public Rights 2021-2022 – click to open
Receipts/Payments A/c & Bank Reconciliation at 30/03/2022 – click to open
Explanation of Variances 2021-2022 – click to open
Explanation of Variances 2021-2022 – Reserves – click to open

2020 to 2021
Accounting Statement 2020-2021 – click to open
Annual Governance Statement 2020-2021 – click to open
Certificate of Exemption Statement 2020-2021 – click to open
Payments over £100 2020-2021 – click to open

Accounting Statement 2019-2020 – click to open
Payments over £100 2019-2020 – click to open
Annual Governance Statement 2019-2020 – click to open
Certificate of Exemption Statement 2019-2020 – click to open

Annual Governance Statement 2018-2019 – click to open

Accounting Statement 2018-2019 – click to open

Annual Governance Statement 2017-2018 – click to open

Accounting Statement 2017-2018 – click to open